Search Results for: dyna-glo

Belavi Stainless Steel Portable Fire Pit

Aldi Introduces the Belavi Stainless Steel Portable Fire Pit

This post is an open thread and contains affiliate links. EDITOR’S NOTE: Updated for 2023.  As spring approaches summer, the temperatures start to go from cool to hot. Depending on where you live, that switch can flip rather dramatically. In my neck of the woods, it’s not uncommon to see stretches with daytime temperatures in…

Belavi Propane Patio Heater

Aldi is Selling a Belavi Propane Patio Heater

This post is an open thread and contains affiliate links.  Spring and summer are prime patio season. This is the time when folks are cleaning up their outdoor living spaces and perhaps purchasing new furniture, including sectionals, rocking chairs, or ottomans. It’s also a good time to purchase a grill for outdoor cooking. You might…

Range Master 17 Portable Tabletop Gas Griddle

Open Thread: Range Master 17″ Portable Tabletop Gas Griddle

This post contains affiliate links. EDITOR’S NOTE: Updated for 2024.  I enjoy camping. It’s really nice to get away from the noise and busyness of the city, and out to nature where there are no alarm clocks, no traffic, and no deadlines. It’s just good for my soul. When you think of camping, you think…

Range Master 3-Burner Gas Grill 1

Open Thread: Range Master 3-Burner Gas Grill

This post contains affiliate links. Summer season is grilling season. Temperatures are warmer, which makes cooking outside more pleasant. It’s not a coincidence that, in the United States, summer holidays like Memorial Day, the Fourth of July, and Labor Day are popular grilling days, too. Most outdoor cooks will tell you that charcoal is the best…