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Specially Selected Brioche

Most Aldi stores don’t have dedicated on-site bakeries, but they still offer some interesting options like Specially Selected Brioche. This bread is imported from France and is sweet, light, and moist.

After hearing friends say good things about Aldi’s brioche, which comes in Vanilla Creme or Chocolate Chip flavors, my family decided to try the Vanilla Creme Brioche first. We liked the Vanilla Creme variety so much that I purchased the Chocolate Chip flavor the next time I went to Aldi.

My family of four easily polished off the Vanilla Creme loaf as a snack during family movie night, and the Chocolate Chip loaf went even faster during a bout of afternoon snacking.

Specially Selected Vanilla Creme Brioche

Specially Selected Vanilla Creme Brioche

This is described as “light and moist brioche swirls with a vanilla creme patissiere filling.” One 14.11-ounce loaf yields eight servings and nets you 140 calories per serving, with 8 grams of sugar. The creme swirl reminds me a bit of a cream cheese coffee cake, but this brioche is lighter, fluffier, and more moist than a coffee cake. Main ingredients include pastry cream, wheat flour, fresh whole eggs, and sugar.

Specially Selected Chocolate Chip Brioche

Specially Selected Chocolate Chip Brioche

This is described as “light and moist brioche swirls with chocolate chips.” One 14.11-ounce loaf yields eight servings and nets you 150 calories per serving, with 9 grams of sugar. As with the Vanilla Creme flavor, this brioche is light and moist. It’s dotted with semi-sweet chocolate chips. Main ingredients include pastry cream, wheat flour, chocolate chips, whole eggs, and sugar. My family was about equally divided, with half declaring the Vanilla Creme Brioche to be their favorite flavor and half expressing a preference for the Chocolate Chip Brioche.

The Verdict:

Aldi’s Regular Buy Specially Selected Brioche in Vanilla Creme and Chocolate Chip flavors is a winner. This product is imported from France and consists of light, fluffy, moist sweet bread laced with either creme swirls or chocolate chips. Both loaves quickly disappeared in my house.

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  1. I love their brioche! In August of 2017 the stores had a Loaf bread in butter and chocolate chip flavor so delicious!

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