About Us

Aldi ReviewerALDI REVIEWER is the largest independent site dedicated to the world’s fastest growing grocery company. First launched in 2016 by two shoppers who wished they could find more information about Aldi products online, we now reach millions of readers each year through our product reviews, news stories, and other features.

Our goal is simple: to provide a community where readers can get an independent take on Aldi and, occasionally, its distant cousin, Trader Joe’s. We are not affiliated with or endorsed by Aldi or its suppliers, and we do not receive products for review from those companies. The opinions expressed on this site are those of the individual contributors only.

What We Write

Our coverage on this site includes:

  • Product reviews. The core of our work is our time spent buying and trying out Aldi and Trader Joe’s products. We cover everyday products, limited time items, and seasonal fare, and we cover both food and non-food products. Because we purchase the products ourselves, we can tell you what we think free of outside influences.
  • Open threads. For products we don’t have the time or funds to review, we try to serve up coverage through open threads. This gives shoppers information about what’s coming out at Aldi as well as a place to talk about it. Our comments sections have often provided outstanding shopper feedback on these items.
  • This Week at Aldi. For years we’ve covered the Aldi Weekly Ad, including any relevant links we have to included products. If you want to know what’s about to hit the shelves, we can help.
  • News. When news breaks in the Aldi world or the larger grocery universe, we do our best to cover it. That includes product recalls and other major developments.
  • Features. We’re always thinking about Aldi, and our features dig into the Aldiverse. From op-eds to deep dives, we usually put out a feature once a week.

Our Geographic Focus

At this time, our posts focus primarily on the United States: Aldi US and, on occasion, Trader Joe’s. However, there are a few instances where our posts may be relevant to Aldi shoppers in other parts of the English-speaking world, including the United Kingdom, Ireland, or Australia. For example, some products sold by Aldi US — especially certain non-food items — are also sold in other parts of the world. We’re always interested in hearing comments regardless of what part of the globe you’re from, and we welcome post submissions from anywhere in the world.

How We Pay the Bills

We run a site free of subscriptions or paywalls. You can read anything on this site for free at any time. Because purchasing products for review and running a website cost money, though, we keep the lights on through a combination of display ads and some affiliate links. You can read more about that here.

Our revenue streams will never, ever influence our content.

Community Guidelines

We encourage readers to share their own opinions over the products in the appropriate comments section or by contacting us. We do, however, hold to certain ground rules for commenting, which you can learn about over at our Community Guidelines page.

Aldi Lingo

We use a fair amount of Aldi lingo on this site. (If you’ve never been to Aldi before, you might want to read our guide for first-time visitors.) In particular, this site uses a few “Aldi-isms.”

  • Regular Buys are items that are on Aldi’s shelf all the time.
  • Aldi Finds (also known as Special Buys) are limited stock items that rotate in and out of the Aldi shelf. Typically these only come in one shipment, and once they’re gone, they’re gone.
  • Seasonal Items (sometimes called Seasonal Favorites) are products that Aldi rotates in for a few weeks or months at a time, especially around the winter (Christmas) holiday season or summer (barbecue) season. Unlike Aldi Finds, Seasonal Items are usually replenished for the time they are in stores.

If if you think we’ve incorrectly categorized an item, let us know.

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