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Trader Joe’s: Gummy Tummies

Gummy candy is my favorite kind of candy, even more so than chocolate, and Trader Joe’s does not disappoint in this department. Among its large selection of sweets and candies are the Trader Joe’s Gummy Tummies.

Trader Joe's Gummy Tummies

Trader Joe’s Gummy Tummies are a product of France, and they sold for $1.99 for a 7.05-oz. package at the time of publication. The package describes them as “soft gummy candies in assorted flavors.” The package design is whimsical, featuring cartoon penguins with colored tummies standing on an iceberg.

Each gummy candy has a fluid center, kind of like Gushers fruit snacks, except the Trader Joe’s candy comes in a penguin shape. The gummy candy itself is somewhat see-through, and you can see the colored gooey filling inside each penguin’s tummy. A lot of bloggers say the candies don’t really look like penguins, but rather more like a ghost or like the McDonald’s character Grimace.

Trader Joe's Gummy Tummies
The gummies. (Click to enlarge.)

They are soft and chewy, and an older version of the packaging stated they came in strawberry, cherry, and lime flavors. The current packaging does not list flavors. While there are slight differences in how the various colors taste, they all have a general fruity flavor. I enjoyed them, and even my husband, who is not a gummy candy fan, thought they were pretty good. We finished the package in one afternoon.

Nutritionally, these are definitely candy and not a health food, with one 5-piece serving netting you 100 calories and 19 grams of added sugars (38% of your daily value), with a total carbohydrate count of 23 grams (8% of your daily value).

Trader Joe's Gummy Tummies - Nutrition
Nutrition info. (Click to enlarge.)

For people with allergies, be aware that these contain wheat and coconut.

The Verdict:

Trader Joe’s Gummy Tummies are cute, tasty gummy candies that are shaped like penguins (whether they actually look like penguins is up for debate). The gummy candy contains a gooey filling that adds a fun touch.

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