When Do Aldi Ads Take Effect? Wednesday or Sunday?
Each time Aldi rolls out a new weekly ad, it’s a bit like Christmas to us. We enjoy browsing the Aldi ad page to see what’s coming up, and of course we like to write about it.
We have, however, noticed a curious thing. Around here, our Aldi ads take effect each Wednesday, but Aldi ads on the website usually go live long before that … as in almost a week an a half earlier. For a long time, we could access our Aldi ad up to 10 days before it went live, and at the time of this post it’s now 9 days. In other words, we can see the ad for, say, Wednesday the 20th on Monday the 11th.
The reason Aldi does this: the ads take effect at different times of the week depending on where you live.
For example, a look on Aldi’s website indicates that the Aldi ad takes effect on Sunday in places like New York, Boston, Buffalo, Philadelphia, Cincinnati, Columbus, Detroit, and Minneapolis.
But it seems more of the country uses a Wednesday ad. Areas we found that rolled ads midweek include Washington, D.C., Miami, Pittsburgh, Louisville, Charlotte, Cleveland, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Kansas City, Dallas, and Los Angeles. This list also includes Chicago and its suburb, Batavia, where Aldi US is headquartered.
Geographically, much of the Northeast appears to go Sunday, but there are also some areas farther inland, including Ohio and Minnesota. Also, Ohio and Pennsylvania have different ad rollout days depending on what part of the state you’re in, and in the case of Ohio, a more eastern city (Cleveland) has a Wednesday rollout day compared to more western cities in Cincinnati and Columbus.
And just to add to the confusion, around our neck of the woods, Produce Picks take effect on Sunday, but the rest of the ad — Weekly Fresh Meat Specials and Special Buys (ALDI Finds) — doesn’t take effect until Wednesday.
In other words, we’re not entirely sure what the method is to Aldi’s approach. It may have to do with shipping in some way, or local preference, or some other factor. Regardless, while most of the country gets their new Aldi products on a Wednesday, some others get theirs a few days earlier. And Produce Picks may be different than the rest of the ad.
When does the Aldi ad take effect in your neck of the woods?
In Duluth, MN & Superior, WS (cities are separated by Lake Superior) our Aldi’s stores had the Sunday thru Saturday ad’s and we could see that week plus the next week’s ad’s online. But just now I went online to see what tomorrow’s (Sunday) ad would have and when I typed in my zip code, then chose my store, it showed ads for Wednesday thru Tuesday! Like W.H.A.T.?
Cub Foods started the Wednesday ad thing several months ago, & I stopped shopping there, because Aldi’s and Super One Foods ad’s began on Sunday’s and I like to shop all stores on the same day. So now our biggest store, Super One Foods, which has like 7 or 8 stores between the 2 cities is the only store with Sunday thru Saturday ads, unless they too change. Most people only get the Sunday paper, because it has all of the stores ads in it, so now when I get it, Cub Foods and Aldi’s ads will have been running for 4 days, leaving only 3 days to shop their ads. Guess I am down to only shopping at Super One Foods. If they go to the Wed. ad, I will stop getting the Sunday delivery of the newspaper as it will have ads that are 4 days in the past. GROCERY STORES: stop the dang Wed. thru Tuesday ads! Or, mail me your ads on Wednesday!
Minneapolis is Wednesday now.
Good to know. I have long wondered if eventually Aldi will transition all of its stores to Wednesday.
Why are on line prices higher than in store prices?
Because online purchases from Aldi are done through the third party Instacart, which adds its own fees.