Last Updated on April 3, 2024
This post is an open thread and contains affiliate links.
Two years ago, Aldi introduced a wooden potting bench in its famed middle aisle. The bench featured a main work surface, with a shelf below that and an additional shelf up high, along with various storage hooks.
The latest Aldi ad features another wooden potting bench, but this one looks a little different. It has the same number of shelves, but it doesn’t look as tall as the previous model. The 2024 bench features the main work surface, with two shelves below that, and it still includes some storage hooks. Another major difference is that the current model comes with protective caps on the bottoms of the legs, presumably to keep the wood from rotting as the bench sits outdoors in your garden.
Also of note: while this is designed to be used as a potting bench, I’ve seen multiple social media posts where people are using this indoors as a coffee bar. So, this piece of furniture might have multiple uses. Your only limit is your imagination.
What We Know:
The Belavi Wooden Potting Bench (Product Code: 830780) is an Aldi Find, so it’s only in stores for a short time. Each store gets one shipment, and after that sells out, it’s gone unless Aldi decides to bring it back later. Aldi does not offer online ordering for this if it’s sold out at your local store.
This is scheduled to arrive in stores on March 27th, 2024.
The Belavi Wooden Potting Bench cost $39.99 at the time of publication. That’s a lot less than what other wooden potting benches sell for on Amazon.
Here’s more information about the potting bench, according to Aldi:
- Easy to clean
- Features protective caps on table legs
- Includes 2 hook rails with 3 hooks on each side
- Features a galvanized metal worktop
This is sold under the Belavi brand. Belavi is not a company. It’s the name Aldi puts on its various gardening supplies, all of which are sourced from various suppliers.
What We Don’t Know:
We haven’t purchased this wooden potting bench, so we don’t know how easily it assembles or how sturdy it is. Aldi also has not yet published information about what this bench’s dimensions are. Aldi also has not yet stated whether this comes with a warranty. We write open threads to provide readers with a space to talk about Aldi products.
Have you purchased the Belavi Wooden Potting Bench? Leave us a comment below.