Crofton Rolling Pin
I enjoy cooking but don’t do much traditional baking. However, we were in need of a rolling pin when we made elephant ears recently, so it seemed timely when Aldi offered a rolling pin among other Special Buy kitchen essentials.
There is nothing very special about Aldi’s Crofton rolling pin. It’s red, with metal handles and a metal core. The rolling surface is covered with a semi-soft silicone-type material. It is recommended that you only hand wash it. It is made in China and is really lightweight, not like the old marble beast of a rolling pin my mom used to use in her kitchen. If you’re a hard-core baker, you may want a more heavy-duty rolling pin, but if you only need a rolling pin for the occasional pie crust, this should do the trick.
The Verdict:
Aldi’s Crofton rolling pin is an inexpensive kitchen tool that will get the job done, but if you do a lot of baking, you may want something more heavy duty.
I took the cover off my rolling pin and can’t get it back on. Any suggestions?