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Girl Scout Cookies, Aldi Style

EDITOR’S NOTE: As of January of 2020, we noticed the Benton’s Fudge Mint Cookies were not in our local Aldi stores. We reached out to Aldi and learned they have been discontinued. The Peanut Butter Cookies and the Caramel Coconut Cookies are still on store shelves. Also, you can read our review of Benton’s Mint Striped Fudge Cookies, which are similar to Thin Mints and were sold at Aldi for a short time during the spring of 2021, here

When Girl Scout cookie cravings hit but you can’t find any uniformed kids peddling the colorful boxes full of goodness, you can turn to local grocery stores for similar cookie options. In recent years, Aldi has begun offering its own line of imitation Girl Scout cookies.

While it’s true that buying look-alike Girl Scout cookies at a grocery store means you aren’t helping troops raise funds, Aldi’s cookies taste pretty authentic and are about half the cost of the official Girl Scout cookies. If you served these cookies to your friends without the packaging, they would think you were serving them bona fide Girl Scout cookies.

Aldi sells two different cookies we’ll look at here today:


Benton’s Peanut Butter Filled Cookies

Benton's Peanut Butter Fudge Cookies

My personal favorite, these are imitations of the Girl Scouts’ Tagalongs or Peanut Butter Patties. These crisp cookies are topped with a layer of creamy peanut butter and covered all over with fudge, and they also are made with real cocoa. These cookies are solid, and when I buy them I usually eat more than I should. They also taste great after some time in the fridge. Read our full review of the Aldi Tagalongs here.

Benton's Peanut Butter Fudge Cookies
Benton’s Peanut Butter Fudge Cookies nutrition information and ingredients. (Click to enlarge.)

Benton’s Caramel Coconut Fudge Cookies

Benton's Caramel Coconut Fudge Cookies

These rich little cookies are copies of Girl Scouts’ Samoas or Caramel DeLites. These cookies are topped with chewy shredded coconut and fudge stripes, made with real cocoa. The Caramel Coconut Fudge Cookies package indicates that consumers voted these cookies Best New Product in 2015 in association with Better Homes and Gardens. These cookies taste indulgent, just like the Samoas that inspired them.

Benton's Caramel Coconut Fudge Cookies
Benton’s Caramel Coconut Fudge Cookies nutrition information and ingredients. (Click to enlarge.)

The Verdict:

Recommended, with a caveat not to discontinue support of your local Girl Scout troops. If cookie-selling season is over and you need a Girl Scout cookie fix, Aldi’s Benton’s cookies will satisfy your sweet tooth.

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  1. The cookies are absolutely amazing! Thank you Aldi for me being able to get Girl Scout cookies all year round!

  2. Would anyone know if these are seasonal? I recently discovered these at my Aldi, just also happens to be Girl Scout cookie time. The mint cookies are delicious and at $1.39/pack it’s a great deal. (The hubby has yet to try his peanut butter cookies).

  3. Available all year here in Maryland. I’ve tried the Mint (very good) and Caramel cookies (my brother’s favorite). I’ve been resisting trying the peanut butter ones but will try them sometime….it’s so hard not to overindulge!!! They are good.

  4. Everything Aldi’s sell is good. The taste it’s that if leading brands, if not better. I love Aldi’s.

  5. These are great. There is no high fructose corn syrup in it – even better. The girl scout company should be ashamed for selling cookies with high fructose corn syrup. Benton’s uses REAL SUGAR. I will skip out on buying from girl scouts, until they stop putting high fructose corn syrup in their cookies.

    1. That depends on what baker makes the Girl Scout cookies in your area. Little Brownie Bakers has removed high fructose corn syrup from its cookies.

  6. I am a big fan of the chocolate mint girl scout cookies, so I tried the Aldi version after reading a few reviews of how they were knock offs of the scout cookies. Well, if you have a discriminating palate like me, you might find that while similar, the Aldi version is slightly different, and to me, not as good as the scout version. Two reasons are the Aldi version is much more minty than the scout version (too minty for my liking), and I thought not as crisp in the bite.

  7. Girl Scout Thin Mints are the best. Aldi’s imitation is similar, but not the same. The mint is MUCH stronger and overpowers the chocolate flavor. They are great cookies but they are not Thin Mints.
    My wife says the peanut butter filled are equal to Tagalongs – her favorite. We’ll still buy many boxes of Girl Scout cookies when they are available.

  8. I personally like the aldi mints way better than Thin Mints. Thin mints seem harder to me. To me the mint is the same.

  9. Benton’s fudge mint cookies are nit too bad for the price. But i can’t eat too many of them because after 2 or 3 all i can taste is the Excessive amout of baking soda. This is a pretty big disappointment. I realize baking soda is cheap but so much of it totaly ruins the taste all around.

  10. I was told by Aldi’s in FL that they discontinued the thin min cookies.
    Our PA store has also been out for awhile. They still carry the peanut butter and Carmel. Going to miss them.

  11. We love the mint cookies but the last 3 times we have been in the store, they are not to be found. Does anyone know how one can order these or who out there has them?

    1. Unfortunately, Aldi has discontinued the mint cookies. You can buy Thin Mints from local Girl Scouts or find copycat versions under different brand names in other stores. Keebler sells mint cookies called Grasshoppers, for instance.

        1. The fudge mint stripe cookies are a limited-time Aldi Find sold during the St. Patrick’s Day season this year. They aren’t the same as the imitation Girl Scout fudge mint cookies that Aldi discontinued, but we’ve heard from several readers who are happy to see another fudge mint cookie at Aldi. The striped cookies are marketed as a limited-time special, though, so we don’t think they’ll be in stores permanently. https://www.aldireviewer.com/what-is-an-aldi-find/

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