Willow Premium Thick and Soft Bath Tissue (Club Size)
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When you go to a grocery store, you primarily go to pick up food. Aldi is no different, even if there is also the allure of the limited buys along the middle aisle. You’re liable to be grabbing the likes of milk, bread, eggs, and / or whatever else you have on your shopping list that week.
Non-food items, though, are an important part of any grocery run … and I’m not just talking about Aldi Finds. Non-food items like paper towels, laundry detergent, and liquid soap are as much a part of the grocery excursion as anything else. It’s nice to get it all in one trip, and grocers know this.
Aldi keeps a pretty robust lineup of non-food essentials, most of the time in an aisle dedicated for that purpose. And you can’t talk non-food essentials without mentioning that king of essentials: toilet paper.
Or, as it is known more formally: bath tissue.
Aldi has stocked a surprising variety of TP over the years, from small packs of budget stuff to big rolls of premium stuff. Here I want to look at the largest pack Aldi currently carries, a pack so big it advertises itself as “club size”.
Willow Premium Thick and Soft Bath Tissue (Club Size) is an Aldi Regular Buy. You can find it in stores all the time, nestled in with other bath tissue options. It’s hard to miss, as it’s one of the physically larger everyday buys that the grocer sells. It’s a 2-ply toilet paper, which is generally softer and more durable, but also often more expensive, than 1-ply.
At the time of this post, this big pack cost $18.99. To calculate how good a deal this is, I want to look at maybe the most important number on any pack of toilet paper — total square feet. Because different brands use different sheet sizes and different roll sizes, we think total square footage is the most uniform number for calculating value. This pack has a total of 1,593.8 square feet of toilet paper, which comes out to about $0.012 per square foot, or 1.2 cents a square foot.
For comparison, I dialed up a couple of alternatives. Great Value Soft & Strong Premium Toilet Paper, sold by Walmart, is a similarly sized pack with 1,203.33 total square feet for $17.98, or $0.015 per square foot, or 1.5 cents a square foot. Amazon, meanwhile, stocks name brand Angel Soft Soft and Strong with 1,621.4 square feet for $33, or right around $0.02 — 2 cents — per square foot.
In both instances, Aldi wins out on price.
So how well does the Aldi bath tissue work?
We’ve used Aldi bath tissue for years, including this one. This is, in our view, a perfectly serviceable toilet paper. It’s 2-ply, reasonably soft, and reasonably durable, holding up against the things that … well, you need toilet paper to be able to do. The rolls are big but aren’t so big they create issues fitting on our toilet paper holder, and the build quality of the sheets is as good as anything.
The Verdict:
Willow Premium Thick and Soft Bath Tissue is a steady choice for bath tissue needs. It’s 2-ply and feels durable and soft enough for bathroom needs. The “Club” size is competitive price, too, coming in at less per square foot than even the Walmart brand equivalent. If you need a mix between comfort and price, this should be on your Aldi shopping list radar.
How does this product compare in price per square foot to similar-size TP packages at the actual “warehouse club” stores, such as Costco and Sam’s Club? I’m a current Sam’s Club member and former Costco member, but Aldi is a lot easier for me to get to than either warehouse club store chain.
Hola estoy muy feliz de haber comprado éste papel de baño Willow premium thick & soft (tamaño Club) pero por alguna razón ya no lo traen me gustaría saber cómo lo puedo comprar de nuevo les agradecería si me pudieran informar Bendiciones. /
I haven’t seen this toilet paper at Aldi for a while. They may have discontinued this one. It was exclusive to Aldi, so if Aldi isn’t selling it anymore, you’re unfortunately not going to be able to get it anywhere else.
Ud. ha de dirigir su pregunta directament a Aldi. Ellos deben de saber cuando se podra` encontrar el papel de ban~o Willow otra vez.
(You should direct your question directly to Aldi. They ought to know when one will be able to find (that kind of) Willow toilet paper again.)
Muchas gracias por su respuesta Bendiciones