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What is an Aldi Regular Buy?

When we first created Aldi Reviewer, we set about trying to better understand the different kinds of items in an Aldi store. As longtime shoppers, we had a pretty good idea already, but we felt it was important to make sure we understood them properly, especially as it would shape our coverage of the German grocer.

We’ve come to understand that there are three major categories of products in an Aldi store.

One category consists of rotating limited-time products. Aldi stores get one shipment of these, and once they’re gone, they’re gone, at least until Aldi brings them back. Aldi advertises these in its weekly ads. Originally they were known as Special Buys — and in other parts of the world they still are — but Aldi has in recent years started calling them Aldi Finds.

A second category consists of limited-run products. Aldi stores get several shipments of these, usually over the course of weeks or months. Eventually, though, Aldi stops carrying these for a while. These products are often seasonal, appearing during the summer or the holidays. Aldi used to call these Seasonal Items, but in recent years has started calling them Seasonal Favorites.

The third and final category consists of everyday products. Aldi stores carry these products every day, at all times of the year. Stores get a new stock of these every week — or maybe even more often than that — so they are always around. These products are staples, things like milk, bread, eggs, toilet paper, hamburgers, and so on.

Aldi has an insider name for this kind of product — core range — but most shoppers don’t use that term, especially in the United States. Instead, we at Aldi Reviewer call them Regular Buys. We’re not sure if that’s a name that Aldi has ever used, but we’ve heard others use it before, usually in contrast to the term Special Buys that Aldi US used to use.

So when we talk about Regular Buys, we’re talking about the things you can find at Aldi all the time, 12 months of the year. Aldi Finds and Seasonal Favorites may get the most hype, but it’s the Regular Buys that are the most important on our shopping list.

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  1. Have Lacura moisturizers for day and night been discontinued? I cannot find them a two local Aldi stores.

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