The Aldi Hot Dog Roundup

So I’m a hot dog fan, enough that I’ve tried out several of Aldi’s offerings. Here are the highlights from our reviews of three major ones:

Parkview Jumbo Franks

“Parkview Jumbo Franks taste just like what you’d expect in a standard hot dog. They probably won’t unseat beef franks in the taste category, but if you are looking for a more economical option — or just prefer hot dogs over beef franks — these should do you nicely. Recommended.”

(Full review: here)

Parkview Beef Franks

“Aldi has delivered the goods on a true ballpark frank here. They cook easily, taste awesome, and cost a lot less than what you’d pay at a real baseball game. If you don’t mind spending more than you would on an Aldi hot dog, this one is a winner. Highly recommended.”

(Full review: here)

Fit & Active Classic Turkey Franks

“Fit & Active Classic Turkey Franks are a very worthy substitute for a traditional hot dog. To me they taste about like a normal pork dog, and with a much lower amount of the things that make hot dogs unhealthy. They probably won’t beat a true beef frank, but among the normal hot dog line these stack up very nicely. Recommended.”

(Full review: here)

The Verdict:

They’re all good. Honestly. The Fit & Active Franks are by far the healthiest, and they also taste about on par with the jumbo franks, so they’re an excellent option if you’re trying cut down on things like sodium and nitrates. From a pure taste perspective, the Parkview Beef Franks are my personal favorites and my pick for when you want to impress people. And the Parkview Jumbo Franks — the standard Aldi hot dog — are a cheap, effective option for those large-scale cooking operations like your next family cookout.


About Joshua

Joshua is the Co-founder of Aldi Reviewer. He is also a writer and novelist. You can learn more about him at


  1. What are the “natural flavors” that are in the Parkview turkey hot dogs and the turkey polshi sausage and the United turkey dogs. Also, what is the casing around them. I cannot have mammal meat, so no pork casi vs or mammal in Natural flavors.

  2. When are the Jumbo packs of SUPERDOG FRANKS going to be back in stock at aldi grocery stores????

  3. Ive noticed recently sometimes when i buy hot dogs or sausages from Aldi…they have a certain weird taste too them. I noticed my Aldi doesn’t carry fit & active turkey franks anymore….and the new brand of them taste funny. have you noticed sometimes the hotdogs having a weird taste to them sometimes?

  4. I buy Aldi German, brand Hot Dogs in my Florida Aldi. They are made in NY. Why can’t I find them in my CT Aldi’s? They are better that Hummels.

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