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Friendly Farms Moo Tubes Lowfat Yogurt

Yogurt is a personal favorite of mine. It’s soft, easy to find in a variety of flavors, and can be bought for cheap prices. So when I saw that Aldi had lowfat yogurt Moo Tubes, I decided to try them out.

Friendly Farms Moo Tubes Lowfat Yogurt

Friendly Farms Moo Tubes Lowfat Yogurt cost $1.55 for a 16-ounce box at the time of publication, with each box coming with eight 2-ounce tubes. That comes out to about 10 cents per ounce. Compared to other yogurts, the price for these Aldi yogurt tubes is good because similar yogurt products such as Go-Gurt cost about 15 cents per ounce at Walmart for a large 48-ounce box containing 24 yogurt tubes. That’s if you buy a large box. A smaller box of only eight tubes — the same size as the Aldi box — costs 21 cents per ounce.

These Aldi yogurt tubes are Regular Buys, meaning that you can get them at Aldi any time as long as they’re in stock.

One tube has 50 calories, 8 grams of total sugars, and 5 grams of added sugars. If you’re looking out for allergens, these contain milk.

Friendly Farms Moo Tubes Lowfat Yogurt
Nutrition information and ingredients. (Click to enlarge.)

Each box comes with its own two flavors. For example, I’ve previously purchased boxes that contained strawberry and green apple flavors. The box I’m currently reviewing comes with melonberry — a mix of watermelon and raspberry — and cotton candy flavors.

The cotton candy tastes mostly like blue raspberry, and the yogurt itself is blue as well. Compared to the melonberry flavor, I think the cotton candy tastes better. I found the melonberry to taste mostly like the Moo Tube strawberry yogurt that I’ve had before.

The yogurt tube boxes are meant to be refrigerated, but you can also put them in a freezer and freeze them to make frozen yogurt tubes that last longer when you’re eating them, and I think that freezing them makes them taste better.

Friendly Farms Moo Tubes Lowfat Yogurt

Moo Tube is an interesting name for the yogurt, because after some research, I’ve found out that Moo Tubes are also flavored chewing toys (they’re actually cattle windpipes) for dogs. This kind of Moo Tube is edible for dogs and can help clean dogs’ teeth. Though the concepts of the two products are very different, it’s still something of note. I might not look at Aldi Moo Tubes the same way anymore.

The Verdict:

These yogurt tubes are good snacks for a lot of things, and the cost is reasonable and better than a lot of other yogurts. I would recommend these for anyone who likes yogurt and is looking for some unique flavors.

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