Friendly Farms Original Coconut Milk
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Milk is one of my favorite drinks. Aldi sells a lot of different types of milk, including white, chocolate, and strawberry regular milk, as well as almond milk.
I’ve been curious about Aldi’s coconut milk recently, so I got their Friendly Farms Original Coconut Milk to try. Friendly Farms Original Coconut Milk is a Regular Buy, so it’s sold in stores year-round.
The coconut milk cost $2.89 for 64 ounces or 2 quarts at the time of publication. That comes out to about 5 cents per ounce.
For comparison, So Delicious Original Coconut Milk at Target cost about 8 cents per ounce. Pacific Foods Organic Coconut Original Plant-Based Beverage at Walmart cost about 11 cents per ounce. That makes the Aldi coconut milk a good deal.
This coconut milk is lightly sweetened, so it’s not as healthy. I also tried a different brand of unsweetened coconut milk from a local traditional grocery store for comparison. The sweetened Aldi coconut milk has a lot more flavor, and it tastes better if you’re drinking it by itself, while unsweetened coconut milk is used more often in cooking, especially in soups or Indian dishes. This has a bit of an aftertaste like most coconut milk. Regular dairy milk seems to have a thicker consistency than coconut milk, so that’s another factor if you’re drinking this by itself.

This should be kept refrigerated, and you should shake it well before pouring out a serving. It needs to be used within 7 to 10 days of opening.
It has 80 calories, 5 grams of total fat, 5 grams of saturated fat, 7 grams of total carbohydrates, 6 grams of total sugars, and 6 grams of added sugars.
If you’re looking out for allergens, it contains coconut. This is kosher.
The carton states it has 33% fewer calories than dairy milk and more of the recommended daily calcium per serving than dairy milk.
The Verdict:
I like this sweetened coconut milk, although I wish that it were sold in larger jugs like dairy milk. As for flavor, this coconut milk has a little more taste than regular dairy milk, but I don’t think one is better than the other. Dairy milk has more calories and fills you up more, so which milk you drink depends on your preferred calorie intake and your personal tastes.
I was looking for a good coconut milk and saw your review. After seeing the ingredients I have some concerns about Friendly Farms. I try to avoid the GUMS that are in so many things these days. They can cause inflammation in the body. And this coconut milk contains three different ones! I guess just one was not enough? So…I guess I’ll keep looking! If this is something you drink often , you might want to rethink this brand. A lot of people are not aware that these gums are not healthy for us. Just thought I’d give you a heads up so you can look into it.