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Is Aldi Open For Labor Day?

The first Monday of each September is Labor Day, a holiday tracing its origins to cities in the 1880s before becoming a federal holiday in 1894, under President Grover Cleveland. It’s a popular weekend for many forms of outdoor recreation and is often the last weekend that swimming pools are open. It’s also a popular cookout holiday — the last such cookout holiday in the calendar year.

That means groceries. And when you think of inexpensive groceries, you think of Aldi. So if you need things from Aldi on Labor Day, can you get them?

Not surprisingly, the days before Labor Day are normal operating hours. That Saturday and Sunday, for example, are routine days at Aldi.

Labor Day is slightly different. All Aldi stores in the United States are open with “limited hours” on Labor Day. Nearly all of them open at 9 a.m., but closing times can vary: some stores close at 6 p.m, while other stores have “extended hours.” (Our stores close at 6 p.m.) Since Aldi doesn’t publicly list individual store phone numbers, your best bet to find out when your individual store closes is to look up that store’s information using Aldi’s store locator.

Aldi reopens the day after Labor Day, Tuesday, with normal operating hours.

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