Home » Aldi Finds (Special Buys) » Open Thread: Easy Home Mini Sewing Machine

Open Thread: Easy Home Mini Sewing Machine

EDITOR’S NOTE: Aldi sold this mini sewing machine again in February of 2022 for $14.99 and in October of 2020 for $12.99. If you’re looking for information on the Aldi Easy Home 19-Stitch Sewing Machine, read our post here. Aldi also has sold another sewing machine, the Easy Home 12-Stitch Sewing Machine, and you can view our open thread post on that machine here

You never know what kinds of niche items may show up as ALDI Finds, and occasionally the discount grocer sells products geared toward people who like to make crafts. One recent offering is the Easy Home Mini Sewing Machine.

What We Know:

Easy Home Mini Sewing Machine

The Easy Home Mini Sewing Machine (product code 98530) sold for $14.99 in 2019.

Aldi also sold the mini sewing machine for $14.99 in 2018 and for $12.99 in 2017.

Aldi has sold other sewing machines over the years as well, including a Singer brand 32-stitch machine for $79.99 in 2019 and 2018, along with an Easy Home 12-stitch sewing machine for $39.99 in 2019.

The 2019 Easy Home Mini Sewing Machine’s features include:

  • Powered by 4 AA batteries (included) or wall outlet power cord (included)
  • Recommended for beginners, basic sewing, or crafts
  • Two speed settings: high and low
  • Pre-threaded with 2 white threaded bobbins and needle
  • Includes 4 bobbins, 3 needles, and a needle threader
  • A built-in light and thread cutter
  • Use with or without the foot pedal

The 2018 mini sewing machine came with a two-year warranty serviced by Wachsmuth & Krogmann, and you can view the manual for the 2018 model here. We don’t yet know what kind of warranty the 2019 model will have.

The sewing machine is a limited-time ALDI Find, so it’s only in stores for a short time, and once it’s gone you’ll have to wait until next year.

What We Don’t Know:

We haven’t used the Easy Home Mini Sewing Machine, so we don’t know how well it works. We also don’t know what kind of warranty this year’s mini sewing machine comes with.

Do you have experience with the Easy Home Mini Sewing Machine? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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  1. I just bought the mini sewing machine from Aldi for $14.99 and it came with a 3 year warranty. I haven’t used it yet and I’m a beginner so I can’t fill you in on functioning quality.

  2. I bought this in 2018 & now in 2020 have been using it to make cloth face masks. Although basic — just one stitch & no back/lock stitch — it is doing the job better than expected for a toy-like machine. One hint for threading — when placing thread under the tensioner knob, make sure it is over the little raised plastic nib on the machine base. I couldn’t get things to work before I figured that out.

    1. I have bought this sewing machine. The first time it broke after two days and I returned it, and the second time it broke without using it. It was the worst device I have ever bought.

  3. What to do if the bobbin is not working right and releasing to much thread? I can’t see because it is lumps of thread coming out of the bobbin at the bottom how can I fix it?

    1. “If the thread breaks while sewing, it means the thread tension is too high. If small loops form while sewing, it means the thread tension is too low. The thread tension must be adjusted in both cases. The upper thread and lower thread tension must be proportional to each other.”
      Details are on pg 26 of the manual.

    2. Or not… Last time I loaded a (lower) bobbin it was extremely difficult and the parts inside seemed to come apart(?)
      Ever since then, the machine doesn’t work right. The bobbin frequently locks up while sewing, it leaves tufts of thread, and rarely actually stitches. It’s not about the tension.
      I’m going to try to return this. I’m not sure it’s worth trying to get a warranty replacement.

  4. There are YouTube videos available to fix almost any problem
    with this little machine. I ran into trouble with mine yesterday
    but, after watching a couple of these detailed videos, I was able
    to fix the problems and repair the split seam in my trousers.
    Type in “Ooni Crafts” in your chosen search engine and her
    excellent videos will really help you.

    1. Ooni Crafts is amazing with what she can do with this machine. I’m so glad someone mentioned that channel here. It is my lodestar and anyone who has this machine should know about it.

  5. Have just purchased the easy home mini sewing machine but it only came with a European round 2 pin plug adaptor. How do I plug this in to Australian power socket ?

  6. i bought the easy home sewing machine today and i’m blown away at how well it performs. it’s perfect for split seams and small jobs. i love that it has a foot pedal and a light. for $12.99 it’s a total score!

  7. Just bought th 12 stitch sewing machine today and find that it already had thread on it with some material under the foot with several different stitches on it. Does that indicate that the store sold me a used machine

    1. Mine did too. I presumed that it was put there intentionally for practice since the stitches in place are various curves and a straight line. Am I wrong?

  8. I do hand-sewn mending at home, but haven’t really used an electric sewing machine since high school. I think I might still have a Janome mini sewing machine in the house (purchased when I had ambitions about sewing Barbie-size “Game of Thrones” costumes), but I’ve never used it, and should probably just sell it or give it away. I’d be concerned that if I were to buy the Easy Home Mini Sewing Machine, it might just end up sitting around unused, too. I suspect what it would take to get me using a sewing machine on a regular basis would be for an experienced sewer to reteach me how to use a sewing machine, emphasizing how it could make the mending I already do easier.

  9. Mine didn’t come with directions!
    It’s been 30 years since I’ve used a machine. I guess I’ll be watching YouTube!

  10. Anyone know what bobbins these use? I was hoping to buy some extras that weren’t pre-loaded with thread.

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