Home » Aldi Finds (Special Buys) » Aldi Bringing the Belavi Outdoor Day Bed to the Middle Aisle

Aldi Bringing the Belavi Outdoor Day Bed to the Middle Aisle

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A daybed is a bed that is also designed to function as day use furniture. A person can sleep on a daybed, then during the waking hours use it to sit, recline, or use however needed. Daybeds are an old idea and while they make sense when space is at a premium, they also seem to show up in larger homes, too. Getting a daybed that is comfortable for both sleeping and sitting is tricky (I used to sleep and sit on one when I visited my grandmother, so I know), which is why nowadays most people tend to use daybeds primarily for one purpose or the other.

Daybeds come in various designs. Most are twin-sized, although some are bigger. Many have boards or railings on three of the four sides, while others are a simple frame or have just one board on one side of the bed. Some have a slide-out trundle bed underneath, some have below-the-bed drawers, and others have nothing underneath at all. Some are made for indoors and others outdoors, with some in the latter category even boasting a sunshade.

In 2022, Aldi added a daybed to its ever-growing lineup of furniture, which to date has featured both indoor products under the SOHL Furniture private label and outdoor décor under the Belavi private label. This being an outdoor model, Aldi is selling it under its outdoor house brand.

What We Know:

Belavi Outdoor Day BedThe Belavi Outdoor Day Bed (Product Code: 703892) is an Aldi Find, which means it’s only in stores for a limited time. Each store will only get one shipment, and once it’s sold out you won’t be able to find it again until it comes back, whenever that might be. Aldi does not offer online ordering for products that aren’t in stock at your local store.

At the time of this post, the daybed costs $169.99. Daybeds can be quite expensive, and while this doesn’t look like the most robust daybed out there, it’s also considerably less than any other outdoor daybed I can find online. I can find cheaper indoor daybeds, but they’re not designed for the elements in the same way.

According to Aldi, this daybed’s features include:

  • Includes seat and back cushions
  • Sides go up and down
  • Measures 78″ x 24.8″ x 33.5″
  • Sides up creates a sofa
  • Sides down creates a bed
  • For outdoor use only
  • Comes with a one-year warranty

What We Don’t Know:

We haven’t tested this daybed, so we don’t know how easy it is to assemble, how sturdy or comfortable it is, or how it holds up against the outdoors. We’ve created this open thread for users to share their thoughts.

Do you have experience with this daybed? Let us know in the comments.

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  1. I could see this going on someone’s front porch, maybe even a couple of them if the porch is large enough. Pre-air conditioning, people would sleep on their front porches (screened-in if possible) during hot weather. A “sleeping porch” could be useful again if there’s ever a power failure in one’s area (although not while there’s a thunderstorm going on — too wet, and what was just a thunderstorm could easily become a tornado). Although this is labeled for outdoor use, I could easily see this as a combination cheap couch & guest bedding in someone’s first apartment. (The cushions are substantially narrower than a twin bed mattress, but about the same width as a roomette berth on Amtrak.)

  2. I bought this from my local Aldi and it has some issues. First and foremost, the seat and armrests are supposed to be attached to each other out of the box, but mine was not. I assembled all of the rest of it thinking it would become clear how to securely attach the sides/armrests, but after I finished and examined it for a while, I realized what was wrong. Also, many of the holes for the bolts didn’t line up, weren’t drilled large enough, weren’t drilled all the way through, or weren’t drilled deep enough for the bolts to connect. It took me 3-4 hours to get the thing together, only to find that the armrests can’t actually be attached.

    I called the “after sales support” number from the daybed’s paperwork, and got someone who seemed irritated and told me to go back to the store. I asked if she could please escalate it since that was the after sales support number. I have my doubts that I’ll receive a call back.

    1. Thanks for your review and information which you shared, I also want to know about cushions quality, if you can tell about that as well that would be big help.

    2. Hi there everything you wrote in your comment we are having the same issues we’re still confuse how to attach the armrest to the main piece. Did you get that figured out? Thank you would appreciate if you had input.

  3. I’d be more interested if I could find ANYWHERE
    what materials the frame and cushions are made from.
    If they are listed on the box (at Aldi) they are well hidden.
    Nothing online either.
    Can’t buy if I don’t know what it is.

  4. I purchased this and put it together in under an hour. Typical put together yourself issues. Holes not perfectly lined up and all but I had very little issue with this. The cushions are thick and comfortable. The back pillows are too thick to sit on the daybed comfortably as a couch. The depth of the seat with the back pillows is too narrow and I am a short person. With the pillow removed it is much better and with one arm up and one arm down and a pillow on the arm up side it quite comfortable as a lounger.

    1. So when you received yours was your arm, rest attached to the seat we’re still confused how the arm rest attached to the seat

      1. Mine is still buried in snow from the 10 inches we got yesterday so I can’t even take pictures of the side assembly. Yes mine was put together in the box correctly. I will try to get a picture of the side assembly and post them. not sure if that would be helpful or not.

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