Baker’s Corner Cherry Pie Filling and Topping + Cherry Pie Recipe
Whether it’s the holiday baking season or you simply want pie, Aldi sells cans of cherry and apple pie filling for whatever your baking needs may be. I recently tried Aldi’s canned cherry pie filling in a recipe for Black Forest ice cream sundaes.
Baker’s Corner Cherry Pie Filling and Topping is a Regular Buy item that is always on Aldi’s shelves. It cost $1.75 for a 21-oz. can at the time of publication. The can states: “Now with more fruit” and says it contains no certified synthetic colors.
Ingredients are: red tart pitted cherries, water, sugar, modified corn starch, citric acid, and tart cherry concentrate.

The cherries are mechanically pitted, but the can advises there may be an occasional pit or fragment. I’ve never had a problem with finding pits in our cherry pie filling.
One 21-oz. can contains seven 1/3-cup servings (85 grams), with one serving containing 100 calories, 0 grams of fat, 0 mg of cholesterol, 15 mg of sodium (0% of your daily value), 24 grams of total carbohydrates (8% DV), less than 1 gram of dietary fiber (4% DV), 20 grams of total sugars, 18 grams of added sugars (36% DV), and less than 1 gram of protein.
If you bake this in a pie or use it in another dessert, of course you’ll need to account for extra calories, sugar, etc.
The can also offers a simple recipe:
Cherry Pie Recipe
- 2 refrigerated pie crusts (or one package of Bake House Creations Pie Crust)
- 2 21-oz. cans of cherry pie filling
- 1 egg white, beaten
- Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
- Pour cherry pie filling into crust, making sure to spread the filling evenly.
- Place second pie crust over top of filling. Crimp edges of top and bottom pie crust together to seal. Make a few small slits in the top pie crust to allow steam to release. Brush the top crust evenly with beaten egg white.
- Bake at 425 degrees for 40-50 minutes or until crust is golden brown. To keep crust from becoming too brown, cover with foil halfway through baking time.
- Remove pie from oven and let cool for 30 minutes before serving. Refrigerate any unused pie filling in a separate container. Serve pie plain or topped with ice cream or whipped cream.
While I didn’t specifically use Aldi’s canned cherries to make pie this time around, my family enjoyed our Black Forest ice cream sundae dessert we made using crushed Oreo-style cookies, vanilla ice cream, canned cherry pie filling, and canned whipped cream. The cherries had just the right balance of sweet and tart flavors.
The Verdict:
Aldi’s canned cherry pie filling works fine in any dessert recipe, whether you’re making pie, ice cream sundaes, or something more exotic. It has plenty of cherries in a sweet, tart, thick sauce.
I bought Bakers Corner cherry pie filling, it was the worst cherry pie filling I have ever had. Never ever buy this, the look and taste are awful.
The recipe said 425 degree oven for 40-50 minutes . Way too high! 13 minutes in the crust and toppings were burnt. Sucks.
I agree Dale. Try 325 next time to get a more evenly cooked pie where the top and bottom crust will cook. I cooked it at325 for 1hr 15 mins.
Please advise: I made a pie, using the cherry pie filling but could not really understand the sugar content. If I cut it into 8 pieces, how much sugar was contained in a piece.? My brother is a diabetic and we were at a loss as to the total amount in one piece. Thank you
The filling contains 7 servings at 20 total sugars per serving. 7 servings * 20 sugars = 140 grams of sugar in the whole can. If you divide that by 8 pieces, that’s 140 / 8 = 17.5 grams of sugar in each filling. In addition, you should add in the sugars from the pie crust, which in the pie crusts I see usually is about 1 gram per serving. (Pie crusts typically also have 8-12 grams of complex carbohydrates, too, which do effect blood sugar in a diabetic, just not as rapidly as simple sugars.)
Overall, by my math, you’re looking at about 18-19 grams of sugar — and another 8-12 grams of other carbs — in each slice of cherry pie.
We have a family member that allergic to red dyes can you tell me if the tart cherrie extract has dye in it
We recommend you ask Aldi:
I use this cherry pie filling unaltered in my favorite recipe. It is one of the best that I have used. I am down to 1can and need to buy more.
I agree! This is better than any name brand, which are mostly the gel without many cherries. Aldis is full of cherries!
Does this have to be cooked, or can it be eaten right out of the can in a off the shelf crust