Home » Features » Opinion: We’re Not Fans of Aldi’s Decision to Discontinue Feminine Hygiene Products

Opinion: We’re Not Fans of Aldi’s Decision to Discontinue Feminine Hygiene Products

Blossom Pads
Blossom pads from 2021.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Like all posts on Aldi Reviewer, this piece is the opinion of its respective authors. Also like all posts, comments are welcome, although we ask users to be mindful of our Community Guidelines.

Joshua also contributed to this post.

Aldi feminine hygiene products are no more.

That’s the official word we got from Aldi itself, which confirmed to us what we’d been seeing with our own eyes in recent months. In the summer of 2024, we’d noticed that certain period products — tampons, liners, and pads — were in increasingly short supply at all of our local stores. Up to that point, Aldi had regularly sold liners and pads under its Blossom house brand. In addition, the grocer previously sold Tampax tampons, which it had shifted to a couple of years ago in place of Blossom tampons.

By August all of them had had vanished, and little or nothing was appearing in their place, not even a name brand.

When I reached out to Aldi on Facebook, here’s what I got back:

Has Aldi Discontinued Blossom Pads, Liners, and Tampons

Aldi said: “Looks like they have been discontinued and there are no plans for them to return at the moment. 💔”

Our staff is heartbroken, too. Many of us regularly used Blossom products and liked them, both for their cost and because of how well they worked compared to more expensive national brands.

Writing about the liners back in 2022, I said: “Blossom liners are my go-to liners that I keep in the bathroom closet. They’re comfortable to wear, reasonably absorbent, and are okay about staying in place. They’re also competitively priced.”

While some readers — and even some of my family members — said their liners could sometimes fall apart, that was not my experience.

Likewise, when I talked about Aldi pads in 2021, I said: “In my experience, Aldi pads work as well as their name-brand counterparts, and for a fraction of the cost. In terms of absorbency, leak protection, comfort, and avoiding skin irritation, they’re pretty similar. Many of our readers ask if Aldi pads are unscented, and I don’t see anything on the current packaging to indicate one way or another.”

And on Aldi tampons, also in 2021, I had this to say: “All of the women who use tampons in my household agree that there doesn’t seem to be much difference between the Aldi Blossom tampons and name-brand Tampax tampons. They’re equally easy to use and equally absorbent in our opinion, and you can’t beat the price.”

So why did Aldi do this?

We don’t know, and Aldi — not surprisingly — isn’t saying. It could be a few things.

Possibility 1: It was a simple business decision. Aldi is well-known for being an efficient company, sometimes ruthlessly so. The grocer has repeatedly shown it’s all about keeping things cheap, from its predominantly private label lineup to its widespread deployment of self-checkout. The grocer may have determined that, for one of many reasons, this was the most profitable course for them. Maybe the store wasn’t selling enough (although I find that hard to believe), or making enough of a profit, or couldn’t find a supplier with a favorable enough margin. It’s not entirely alone: Aldi’s distant cousin, Trader Joe’s, also does not sell feminine hygiene products.

Possibility 2: It was an environmental sustainability decision. Aldi has leaned in to environmental sustainability initiatives in recent years. While this isn’t at the top of our guesses, it is certainly possible that the high impact of these products, especially in terms of landfill waste, might have led Aldi to discontinue selling them. If this is the case, we would hope to see Aldi sell reusable/washable pads, period cups, absorbent period underwear, and other more sustainable products in the future, even as limited-time Aldi Finds.

Possibility 3: It was a reaction to concerns over what was in the products. Earlier this summer, a study published in a scientific journal found evidence of toxic metals — including arsenic in lead — in 24 different tampons across 16 different brands. The study did not name which brands it tested, but did note that it found at least some toxins of concern in every tested tampon. (It’s not clear yet to what degree those metals are absorbed into the body.) While the study didn’t include pads or liners, it’s conceivable Aldi decided to get out of the feminine hygiene market entirely over either health concerns or legal ones. Again, we don’t know.

Regardless of the Reason, We’re Not Fans

Our concerns here are multifold.

One, it removes a necessity from the shelves. It’s no small deal to discontinue something that 50% of the population needs. It makes the grocer less of a one-stop-shop for its customers.

Two, it removes a value priced item. Feminine hygiene products cost money, and our writers appreciated having a competitively priced house brand. For people on limited incomes, being able to find affordable period products is a big deal.

Three, it’s especially egregious not to even replace it with a name brand. We can’t say that we’d be thrilled with having pricier Always on the shelves instead of budget-friendly Blossom, but in a pinch our writers would appreciate knowing an option was there.

Four, this represents another blow to an already shaky section of the store. Aldi has not exactly bowled us over with its personal care section. The deodorant selection is mediocre (I’m looking at you, Old Spice). The soap, shampoo, and toothpaste are all equally limited, with inconsistent house brand presence. And don’t get me started on dental floss.

Closing Thoughts:

We have no doubt that Aldi had reasons for discontinuing feminine care products, maybe even good reasons. But that doesn’t change the fact that we’re disappointed. We like the fact that we can get most of the basics in a single Aldi run, but now that’s no longer the case. If we need feminine products, we have to go somewhere else, and we probably have to pay more at that. It doesn’t help that the personal care section at Aldi was weak to begin with.

Aldi’s message to us doesn’t leave us with any promise that maybe something will come back. We can only hope so.

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  1. I’m disappointed about this, too. I have used Blossom products for several years and have found them to be better than name-brand products, which are often twice the price. I often wondered if Blossom products came from the same manufacturer as the name-brand products but had their own label, so I wonder if something with the manufacturer or supply chain changed.

      1. i also have been using the Blossom panty liners they are unscented, I like the size of the Long daily pads and I ESPECIALLY like the fact that they are NOT individually packaged. I hope that Aldi will bring them back. They are one of the primary reasons I shop there.

    1. I checked the package and learned that it’s a Aldi exclusive product.
      I thought that I would never use anything but Cottonelle toilet products. Now if they drop their tp i’m in trouble. I love their toilet paper products. I wish they would bring back Blossom products, I have used them for about two years now. I hate it when they discontinue products without letting us know.

    2. I’m from the Philippines & just visiting my son. Since aldi is the most accessible supermarket near us, I tried using blossom the first time, I can’t say anything about it. Ever since I started using it, I have never ever used another brand again, I bought a couple of times, but was so disappointed to learn that they won’t sell anymore. Also the sugar free ice cream that we buy almost every other day, it came to a halt. Soooo sad…

  2. Hello. I asked the manager of my ALDI store about this issue. She told me that she believes that it has to do with changing the packaging, and she said that if ALDI has actually decided to DISCONTINUE carrying feminine hygiene products, there will be a huge backlash from customers and it will end up back on the shelves. She thought it was a terrible mistake to do this. I have been in ALDI stores in Europe, and the personal care section is MUCH bigger and has so much more variety – including makeup! I’m very upset about this!

    1. I’ve always heard that Aldi stores in Europe have lots more personal care products. We can always hope!

      Aldi briefly took its face creams out of stores earlier this year to reformulate them (they removed fragrance) and change the packaging. Aldi hasn’t given any indication that its feminine hygiene products are undergoing a facelift like that. It would be nice to see them return, but I’m not sure if that will happen.

    1. I just found out and I’m very upset about Aldi stopping them.
      I used them too on a regular basis. I never liked the Always ones.
      When I found Blossoms and tried them, I couldn’t believe that I
      found something I really liked.

  3. I completely agree with this. Feminine hygiene products are as crucial to some shoppers as toilet paper. This feels almost nefarious in the line of possible reasons aka excuses for not carrying these items. Do they also plan on no longer stocking diapers or pet food? Thanks for your article.

  4. This in unacceptable. Aldi owes the public an explanation. Were the products so tainted that Aldi is facing lawsuits?

    1. We don’t know why they were pulled. It could have been a supply chain problem, a supplier issue, a cost issue, or something else. And Aldi hasn’t said what that reason is.

  5. This article reminds me that recently I no longer see the Willow brand hygiene wipes that Also used to have next to the toilet paper. Are these also discontinued?

      1. i’ve not seen that at all in stores from my area since before Christmas. But I keep checking—so far no luck.

  6. Funny you mention Old Spice since that’s my deodorant of choice but the Aldi price is higher that Walmart or Target.

    1. Yeah, Old Spice isn’t a great deal at our Aldi either. It’s one of many reasons why we think the entire personal care section at Aldi is weak.

  7. that’s too bad. iv’e been out of that market for a few years but i like to keep some on hand for guests and blossom was a good product at a good price. has there been a decline in other house brands (target, cvs, kroger) as well?

  8. My mom literally brought me half of her leftover panty liners because Blossom are the only ones I absolutely LOVE! Good quality, super affordable and I’m aable to get it all in one place. Another decision that’s a miss for women. Bring Blossom back, Aldi!

  9. Every product that I have to buy elsewhere, I usually buy more items on my list at that store just to save time. I love that I can get most of my needs at Aldi. Please don’t make me start going to other stores for necessities. Bring back Blossom products.

  10. My mom is deeply upset by this decision. She likes these the best over ANY brand she has ever tried.

  11. I’ve used these Blossom panty liners for years. They were far superior to the name brands, less expensive, and didn’t waste time and plastic with individual packets. Pretty sure men made the decision to eliminate feminine hygiene products.

  12. Maybe the women who want the Blossom products stop using there store until they bring it back. Best way to make a point is with your feet and your wallet.

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