When is Aldi Open During Thanksgiving Week?
If you’re like us, no holiday gets you thinking about food quite like Thanksgiving. The big Thanksgiving feast is a legendary pastime in the United States, from the ham and turkey to the millions of side items.
It can also be an expensive holiday meal to host, which is what makes Aldi an attractive shopping option. But when is Aldi open during Thanksgiving week?
Let’s take a brief look.
Thanksgiving Eve
The day before Thanksgiving, a Wednesday, is a major travel day in the United States, so some companies will use it as a floating holiday to allow workers to get to their families. At Aldi, though, it’s just another day. The store is open, with normal operating hours, on the day before Thanksgiving. It’s also a busy last-minute grocery shopping day.
Thanksgiving Day
There was a time when Thanksgiving Day was a pretty quiet holiday. But as Black Friday shopping has crept into Thanksgiving Day, many retailers are opening their stores on the turkey day to get a jump start on the holiday shopping season.
As for Aldi? What if you need some stuffing on the big day? Or a bottle of Aldi’s famously inexpensive wine to pair with your dinner? Well, you’re out of luck. Every Aldi store in America is closed on Thanksgiving Day.
The Day After Thanksgiving (Black Friday)
You may not be thinking about groceries on the busiest shopping day of the year, but if you still need more food the day after Thanksgiving, Aldi is open with normal operating hours on the day after Thanksgiving. We’re guessing that the German grocery store is a lot less busy on this day than your typical big box store.